Problems with a full flash site


I am a newbie to flash, but I am trying to design my site to do certain things, and flash seems the best way to do it.

I have an online portfolio and from the startpage, I want to have the option to load 3 other pages(swf’s). a contact page, a work history page and the most important- a portfolio page.

The startpage consists of four buttons- one each for the three previously mentioned pages and then a button that will return you to the original page, once you have opened up another of the swf’s.

The problem I am having is on the portfolio page. I have a set of thumbs that are in a semicircle that act as buttons. These thumbs each lead to a larger pic. I want those larger pics to open behind the thumbs.

Using the kirupa tutorial for the full flash site, I was able to get the portfolio, work history and contact swf’s to load fine. And if I open the portfolio.swf apart from the startpage.swf, the larger pics will open exactly where they are supposed to. However, when I open the startpage swf, click on the portfolio and then click on the individual thumbs, the larger pic appears, but the thumbs disappear.

Where might I have gone wrong?

Thanks for any help…


Could you give us the link? I’d like to have a look…

You are having problems with relative path. ie:
This is your site structure:

- main.swf -> work
           -> contact
           -> history
           -> portfolio -> largepic1
                        -> largepic2 .... etc

Now imagine you have a mc in your main swf, where the 4 sub movies (work,history,contact,portfolio) will be loaded into. Lets give it an instance name of content1. In the portfolio button on your main swf I assume you are using this action:[AS]on(release){
}[/AS]Now, I think your problem is here. Inside the portfoio swf you have a button to launch another page(largepic1.swf) into another container movie clip (with an instance name of content2). The code on the button should be something like this:[AS]on(release){
}[/AS]Try that.


That was it. my original action was
root.content.loadmovie(portfolio.swf) ;

And the same for the larger pics. So not having the second clip was the problem.

Thank you, sir.


You’re welcome sir :slight_smile: