Hi All, I created animated intro in After Effects for website for my village. The final file was exported from AE as *flv. The size was about 3.5 Mb, so I decided to create preloader for it in Flash. I created in Flash logo which fills from the bottom to the top while intro loads instead of loading strip. When I test it in Flash – Control/Test movie and in Testing window – View/Simulate Download – it works perfect. The final format from Flash is *swf. I inserted that *swf into *html file in Dreamweaver, and published it together with Java Script supporting files on the server, but on-line it doesn’t work. Preloader is visible only for 1 second and it breaks, and animation appears after 20-40 seconds break (depending on the Internet speed) but it loads in parts only and not smoothly. I created 2 preloaders with 2 different actions scripts 3, both works fine in Flash, but on-line result is still the same. I used first tutorial from the Flash Bible second one from here, but intentionally they were for preloading heavy pictures not *flv files. :
You can preview how it works on-line here:
Does anybody know what cause this problem and how to fix it?