I would welcome any advice / help on my site, with regards to the pre-loader. I can’t seem to get this to popup in the first frame - starts it’s % bytes loaded count at 20% or so … Has this anything to do with compressing the animation when publishing?. On a broadband site this seems to be fine, but on dialup screen just goes blank. Any advice on getting something happening on screen – perhaps a stand alone pre-loader for the larger .swf?.
*Originally posted by scotty *
**yes… and another 1992 threads:) **
Thanks, I’m experimenting at the moment with those same suggestions. Although I have implemented the separate preloader, the anim % load is still way behind where I’d like it to be. Thought that it would have been easier to ask someone in the know. What I’d like is a true readout of the % loaded, maybe I have to publish a .swf then use that as the file to be loaded???!!. No idea how to progress this now.
i think you have to check what is in your first frame, how “heavy” is your preloader animation, do you use components, sounds etc.
it’s a question that has been asked many times before, so there’s a great chance your answer allready has been given. if not, post your fla and someone for sure will have a look (-: