This is the problem.
For example if i have a movie with 700 x 400 and if i create
a new symbol, in the Symbol editing the reference of the size is different and i can´t seem to figure out how can you see the size of your stage…
So what happens is if a make for example a movie clip , when i return to stage and put an instance of the mc , i get a lot bigger than the stage…
How can i put on Symbol editing mode the exactly size of my stage , so
the size of my design can be what i want…?
Or there is another way to do that…?
Im a bit confused, but Im also sleepy, which makes me feel confused…
The size of your simbol normally does not matter much (in vectors, it does much more in bitmaps), because you will make your instance whatever size you need. if you bring a 2 pixel by 2 pixel square movie clip (or graphic) to the stage, you can then address it and make it any size you want (i.e. the size of your stage).