
After viewing some of the stuff made from this new “thing” i decided to dip my hands in it. I contacted them and they let me test their alpha version of P5. The language was definitely different from Actionscript, as you may have seen, but it’s nothing i haven’t already seen. Syntax is very similar to C++/Java. It may look discouraging, but if you know how to move stuff with actionscript, you’ll pick this up in no time.

Anyway, tonight, after I studied some of the functions and stuff, I made my first experiment:

Actionscript couldn’t possibly handle this kind of experiment, so I think I have found a new language for this kind of thing :frowning:

End of the road for me and Actionscript? Maybe. :-\ Future experiments on my site will most likely be made from Proce55ing. It has better CPU handling than Actionscript, a complaint i have had for years now.

Thank you for your time.