
After viewing some of the stuff made from this new “thing” i decided to dip my hands in it. I contacted them and they let me test their alpha version of P5. The language was definitely different from Actionscript, as you may have seen, but it’s nothing i haven’t already seen. Syntax is very similar to C++/Java. It may look discouraging, but if you know how to move stuff with actionscript, you’ll pick this up in no time.

Anyway, tonight, after I studied some of the functions and stuff, I made my first experiment:

Actionscript couldn’t possibly handle this kind of experiment, so I think I have found a new language for this kind of thing :frowning:

End of the road for me and Actionscript? Maybe. :-\ Future experiments on my site will most likely be made from Proce55ing. It has better CPU handling than Actionscript, a complaint i have had for years now.

Thank you for your time.

Manny, I will kick your arse!!!

Well… for one just because that is so amazing what you did in 1 friggin day!!! And for 2 is that you are one of the people I look up to with AS skill… I need you!!!

questions from what i’ve seen…

1). is there no zoom type stuff since no right click?

2). is there motion tweening?

That’s awesome though thor. You could never do something like that w/o lots of cpu power in flash.

Nali: No it is Java not Flash, so that option is not there.
And the environment is 100% coding, no clips, symbols or manual animation… sorry :frowning:

but it’s still vector, right?

No… not really. Refer to mannys experiment to see how things look in Java… has kind of a pixely edge.

That’s awesome/sad :beam::*(

i also noticed that this can detect where your mouse is even when its not over the “movie” --> click and drag out before you release

lol, i didn’t even know that. thanks for pointing that out.

Hey thor, that seems very interesting :slight_smile:
But since i dunno anything about Java or C++, thats not for me… :frowning:

actually, you don’t really need to know a lot on C++ or Java (which are pretty much the same). You just need to be/get familiar with the coding scheme. Both languages are more stricter than actionscript. You need to define variables, allocate memory space, etc. But it doesn’t take very long to learn and understand.

take this code for example:

float rsize = 50;

void setup () {
size(550, 400);
background(255, 255, 255);

void loop() {
rect(random(width), random(height), rsize, rsize); //make a square and randomly place it somewhere.

This is actually very similar to actionscript:

void setup() {…} is like onClipEvent (load) and void loop() {…} is like onClipEvent (enterFrame). See? It just takes some getting used to.

This processing thing definetely caught my attention.
I might TRY playing around with that in the future :slight_smile:

[SIZE=1]as I said earlier…[/SIZE] [SIZE=10]TRAITOR!!![/SIZE] :bad:

java [size=10]Sucks![/size] :evil:

*Originally posted by Ilyas Masa *
**[SIZE=1]as I said earlier…[/SIZE] [SIZE=10]TRAITOR!!![/SIZE] :bad: **


AND hes trying to convert others! :scream:

This program reminds me of the CMU Graphics engine they have available for C++ where you can create games and such by simply defining and adding actions to your shapes in code.

*Originally posted by senocular *

AND hes trying to convert others! :scream: **

guys…my site is still gonna be flash. i said actionscript not flash. and sen, thanks for pointing this out to me. just think, if you hadn’t given us those links this would’ve never happened :slight_smile:

but i’ve given my reasons: this runs my experiments more smoothly and best of all…it already comes with 3D drawing APIs

pom >> :love: (don’t worry, i haven’t left you for P5)

i’ll still do little actionscript from time to time…maybe a little preloader here or there. =)

*Originally posted by Ilyas Masa *
**[SIZE=1]as I said earlier…[/SIZE] [SIZE=10]TRAITOR!!![/SIZE] :bad: **
hey, i’m just going back to my roots. Before actionscript, all I had was CMU (see kirupa’s post) in C++ and all you could really do was draw simple primitives with little to no interaction.


that’s cool but not for me!..

OH WOW! I’ve been looking for this program all my life, and until now, I didn’t know that I was looking!

Thanks Ithuriel (cough *Thor) for the heads up in the IRC channel. Just what I need… one more excuse never to leave my house… =)