To start off, I have had a long day of work and I’m very tired but I won’t be able to sleep until I make this post. :puzzle:
So bare with me…
I have seen basic AI that just use ‘conditions’ such as ‘if’, ‘else’ etc but I was wondering if it was possible to program AI that is capable of learning. If this is possible, how would one go about doing such a thing.
The only two ways I could think of doing this is…
To store strings of information in one big fat dirty database then having a wonder class that will do all the rest itself (i wish)
To write new code into itself.
I’m pretty sure that if 2 was possible, it would be considered a virus. (If its not true…blame pc-cillin…I learnt that from their site)
Obviously alot of this stuff would require the use of more…advanced (if you will) scripting languages such as java, c++.
Well…I totally forgot what I was getting to
Lets say we have a movie clip of a ball that randomly slides around the screen.
After 5 minutes, the ball realizes that my mouse spends most of its time sitting still on the bottom left corner, so it writes a function to keep the ball mc away from that area to prevent the ball from sitting ontop of any content.
Make sense?
Something like these examples/ideas must be possible if NASA can put a cool looking robot that basically thinks for itself.
On the other hand…I’m sure most people reading this don’t have a 10 billion dollar budget, so I’ll you a bit of slack
Anyway, I’m starting to not make sense so I shall retire to my bed.
Please feel free to give any examples, ideas, tips + hints, limitations, links etc etc etc
P.S - Try say the sentence below 5 times as fast as you can
I once wrote an IRC script that talk to other people and it would learn phrases if people said them frequently enough, and repeat them in conversation.
AI is a neat kind of programming. I would be interested in working on an AI project if anybody is going to start one up.
I guess first we have to figure out what our limits are to prevent us from trying to achieve the impossible.
Personally I like a program to look good, keep you interested and to be a bit original.
Of course I’m open to anyones ideas.
Is it possible to set up poll’s on this forum? If so, we could get a general idea of what everyone would like to see/use/make.
Just an idea for the personality variables…we could have each personality trait as a public var that will return a number between 1 and 100.
public var __attentionSpan:Number;
public var __happyness:Number;
//etc etc etc
Of course, we would need AS2.0 for that but it’s just a thought.
Do you think we should have the option to save the character traits onto a blank text file so user’s can slowly develop a character.
saveBtn.onRelease = function()
fscommand (“save”, name+".txt");
loadVariablesNum (“blank.txt”, 0);
Using loadVars would probably work as well…I just havn’t tried it.
Another option could be using Access, MySQL or any other database like that. The problem with that is that we’d need a server.
So how are we going to interact with our person/character?
Any ideas?
i’m more of a loadVars kind of guy myself. I’m not even really familiar with the fscommand stuff.
I definitely think that it needs to be involved with a database somehow. Should that be later on in the project? In other words, should it be up and running before we worry about saving to a database, or should we just go balls out?
I will have to sleep on the interaction process. There are several different ways to go about it. What is probably going to have to be done, is that we are going to have to design an environment that can be interacted with.
I can do all the frame work for the database if we use PHP and MySQL because I can test it out on my work server but I can’t keep it up for public use. Any language will do the job so we’ll figure that out when we get more people and more stuff organised.
Doing the server side while we’re doing the ActionScript will save everyone alot of time and effort looking back over code and trying to find which variables need sending/recieving for which page etc etc etc
A name…
I’m not really good with names so I’m happy with whatever.
Now we need to get some more people togeather…how we do this, I’m not sure.
Interesting enough… A personality that is ever changing is a human mind. The human mind is very very hard to program.
How do you program a complex mixture emotion / feelings to a computer AI?
Now… You mix a certain degree of logic in with some emotions and then blend that all together with total unpredictability. And there my friends, you get a personality AI.
I would help. If I had the time… But like everything else… My project list is in the double digit figures.
I don’t think it will be anything that complex. Not human.
I was thinking at first we could have 4 different dots. Based on the personality of the “thing” it would move to one of the four dots. You duplicate dots with random “e-motions” and let them loose.
The program can grow from there, but that would be a cool start.
You posted at the same time as me, RedMirror… you’re talking about Artificial Life, not AI… Artificial Life is a bit easier to work with, since you’re emulating the actions of life-forms… I’ve seen a few nice looking examples around on the Net, I’ve been seeing them around for years… Mostly they have to deal with artificial Single-celled organisims.