and your in this thread and i can play with your footer while i sit in here.
anyway what do you have to say there master?
and your in this thread and i can play with your footer while i sit in here.
anyway what do you have to say there master?
am goed at finding a ways to script things so if you say you what some thing like this and like that i can most of the time think of a good way to script it
*Originally posted by SeiferTim *
**With all the stuff Marz is doing, I’m starting to suspect he’s secretly cloned himself… I’m on to you… :te: **
:trout: from the right side while at the same time a :trout: from the left side.
Cloning… What’s that? :run:
well im not sure EXACTLY what you are talking about with the dots thing mirror but tell me if this is the kind of AS your talking about
anyway that is a very rough layout of what you could possible mean, but i was just trying to get my point across… ya but take any AS you would want… g/l!
Hey guys, I’m a member since like a year ago, but haven’t really been doing flash stuff for a while. IMO, this would be a good start.
You would start out with the person or thing at a random mood, let’s say 1-100 (100 being the best mood, 1 being the worst).
The mood should gradually go up or down by lets say a random 1-5 every random 1-5 seconds. Then, there would be kinda numerous checkpoints at every lets say 10 points. When the mood ends up passing through one of those “checkpoints”, then it would be chosen randomly to go randomly down, or randomly up.
That’s just my idea for a basic emotion like thing, but I would suggest it staying around 50 for the most part, and make the mood kinda gravitate toward 50.
Then, you could add in all these other factors. You could put liek weather or something in there, and when it’s rainy, the mood decreases faster, and visa versa when its sunny. And then you could give treats, etc etc etc. Basically we’re thinking about making a tomagotchi here
… riight… lets not get off subject plz
I’ve got a few ideas but they will need alot of planning and thinking through.
If our character/person can interact with the user, we could do it several ways. (Probably alot more)
When we feed our character for example…
feed = function(amount)
this.character.hunger -= amount;
this.character.happiness += amout;
This is just an example of one way to change the characters feelings on the event of interaction.
We’ll need a list of personality traits to create variables for and also a list of physical needs (food, water etc)
I’ll try some stuff out with some classes and see if we can get a base to work with.
whOA, this is exactly what I’ve always wondered if a team could be put together to do all this.
Hai everyone =) I’m a noobie flasher, but a deep thinker (and so everyone tells me).
Are we building a gigapet or are we making something somewhat alike to Chobits?
If you dunno what that is, here’s a site that tells a little bit about it, just found it off yahoo =)
I’m not sure if what other’s have posted are the same thing as what I’m thinking but I thought of a few things…
Personailty - Temper of the “thing” should be decided to see how easily it’d tick “it” off. Let’s pretend that on a scale of 1 - 10, one meaning easily angered, and 10 meaning hard to anger. Our “Thing” here has an anger scale of 8, takes a bit to piss off. Then we have events that happen (such as things we say/type to it, if we play with it, if we forget to feed it or take it out for dinner, ect) and each good/bad thing increases or decreases the scale of the 1 - 10 starting off at 8. After that, we can have its mood return to normal status over a period of time. The recovery can be based on a formula (i’d make it right now, but almost time for school >< life of a 16 year old -_-). Or we could cheer it up, and wether it’d let us cheer it up or not, we can also set up a formula for how spoiled (a brat) it is. Then we make ANOTHER for how fast that temper scale recovers.
The same concept can be applied again and again on different traits of this “Thing”.
Honda is doing the same thing… but doing the major budget project called ASIMO
Anyway, bunch of ideas in the past have flown through my head. I’m quite excited about this, so excited, I probably didn’t make any sense above, maybe even missed out a few words as I typed. I’ll try to remember all those ideas (and take note of them this time) and post more in the future. Hope my message wasn’t a bother to read (who knows, maybe a waste of time to some of ya :p)
School time… sigh… drama allllllllll over again:asleep:
Oh yeah! also, the hardest part (to me) seems to be how are we (if it’s alright to say “we” :p) going about making the “Thing” recognize what we say/type to it. Such as a textbox for words (but then… maybe it’s not so hard…? Is it about the same as seach engines?).
I have been searching high and low for an algorithm to use as a personality. Your welcome to work on any way you think is best for a formula and/or algorithm.
If you don’t think you have the ability to apply it, the group and myself will happily help you out.
Anyway I have to finish up work for tonight.
One more thing…
I was thinking about having the ability to talk to the character. We could do this via xml…I’ve already writtin up a class to parse the data (I’ll post it tomorrow). Of course implementing (is that a word?) the xml nodes will certainly need some work.
Whoa, i edited a minute after u posted, lookie that. What’s algorithm…? !!
Algorithm - A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.
I see.
About the talking thing, I remember way back when I wanted to learn spanish and so I checked out books/CD’s from the library. Part of the program, from the CD, says a word and tells you to repeat it. My memory is blurry, but I think it actually heard me saying the word out loud (I felt like an idiot being alone in a room and saying words in spanish to my computer) and if I remember right, it took the frequencies of my voice… We didn’t have a mic… !?WHA!? Maybe there was a built in one, I just didn’t know about it.
Anyway, since I’m posting again, might as well use it well.
For emotions such as happiness and stuff, we don’t have to have a set varieble. We can have it linger up and down a few numbers. You know how you’d get mad at something and then later on forget about it or calmed down a little, but when you think back at it, it just pisses you off like no other, sometimes more than you were before (since u had time to think of other reasons to blame someone else for having cops called on you at a party), and the same for when you’re sad (I still don’t get it… why did she… wh… :’( ).
Bleh, gotta go shower now =)
I’ll give you a quick example of how we would use emotion.
Character Bob
Temper = 7 //Constant
happiness = 8 //Constant
currentHappiness = 6.5 //Variable
currentTollerance = 4 //Variable
Throws ball at bob
The ball hitting him has a ‘temper value’ of 1-3 (random between those values)
Now we would use some type of formula that mathematically figure out how the event effects bob depending on his personality (constants) traits and current state of mind (variables)
In the scripting for this…to have the ability to change his/her personality…we will need to use those constants as variables which very slowly change (over hours or even weeks)
As for the ability to talk to the character…that will have to be done via string inputs. Flash supports microphones however not well enough to write voice recognition classes.
here is a random moving function. for if we what your “sim” to move around randomly but i can change it if your guys want the “sim” [size=1]ake Johny[/size] to move bepending on his mood.
move = function() {
if (!Math.floor(Math.random()*20) || this.angle == undefined) {
this.angle = Math.random()*360;
this._x += Math.cos(this.angle*(Math.PI/180))*this.speed;
this._y += Math.sin(this.angle*(Math.PI/180))*this.speed;
I am really interested in this. I’ve always wondered too, how an AI would “learn”. On a different scale, how would it “remember”.
I’ve theorized on having an AI write/create its own functions based on what it’s learned, but then yet another problem surfaced: how could you possibly have an AI write to itself? From there, I thought, should I let it modify itself? What if it screws itself up, or worse, take total control somehow?
I haven’t really started programming in any learning AI, but I have certainly hypothesized of one. Functionality, application, whatnot.
We don’t have to worry about that.
These are the reasons
As for remembering things… we’re going to use a database to store ALL our variables. Seeing most character traits will always be changing, the database will be updated then over time our character could go from being totally happy to a complete a**
Have a look through some tutorials ‘Mars’ has writtin. Aparently they’re very good for anyone who wants to learn AI in Flash.
BTW Master64,
Thanks for that little bit of script!! Everything helps
This is starting to get really interesting… I made a Virtual pet back in High-School for the Math Fair (I used QBasic), it was a Virtual Zombie. It wasn’t really anything elaborate, in fact it was pretty crappy. But I won second prize: $50. Look, for 9th grade, $50 is pretty spiffy :D. So then my Senior Year, I had a class called: “Indpendant Study in Computer Science”. Best class EVER. My Assignment was to spend the entire year making a program to turn in at the end of the year. I first made a monopoly game in VB, and was 99.8% finished when we all went on Winter Break, and when I returned, discovered that they had ghosted all the machines. Crap. So for the rest of the year I re- made my Zombie program in VB, added some Flash (Ah, good ol’ Flash ver 3.0) Essentially, you could build your zombie from different parts(different arms, heads, etc.) and each piece had it’s own attributes. Then, the Zombie would stand there, and as time went on would get hungry, tired, etc, and you had to PLay, Feed, or Punish the Zombie to keep it in line. I added some other intersting bits: The hungrier the Zombie was, the Angrier it would become, and faster, and if you punished it too much, it’s disciple would stop going down (it would become immune to the punishments), All in all, it was a pretty sweet program, despite the fact that the graphics were pretty lame (except for the death scenes I made in flash, which generaly showed a giant zombie head trying to eat you…), and I got an A on it.
I might still have a ZIP of it somewhere… possibly… I’d have to track it down.
Once my PCs up and running again (come on refund check!) I’d love to help out with this.
You know… when I first saw this post, I had goosebumps everywhere (ok, not literally) thinking that something like “Chobits” would come along. But the more I thought about it, the more it became a gigapet. We can make it sad, happy, learn, forget, and remember. But it’s all in the program. If the “thing” (lets give it a name already :-/ and I’ve always saw the “thing” as female the first time it crossed my mind) had a delima, which would it pick? Would it just freak out and go on an infinite loop trying to pick both of them at the same time? Or will it just pick one just because out of calculations instead of what it’d like.
Anyway, I was just thinking about this until this hour (2nd period) and
I was thinking, why don’t we make it grow? As it grows, it’s personality gets set due to the way we treat it. It may grow up to be lonely, may grow up to be happy, may grow up to be a mean man eating zombie, whatever.
I see it as this.
click click
"Loading (This project’s name) Character Settings…"
Settings for your Thing comes up
Skips the Upload Custom Character. Clicks on Female – Options for a female character comes up – Clicks on: Xhair, Xhaircolor, Xhead, Xeyes, Xnose, Xmouth, Xbody, Xlegs, Xskincolor, X(clothing, jewelry, ect)
(And to be appropriate, there are no major details to the appearance of the Things)
Scrolls down and sets Character Growth Rate then sets ForeverYoung instead of AgeNwither, then sets Age to 25
-==- OK, my teacher FREAKING out on me thinking I’m in my E-mail (prohibited) and so I copy and pasted this whole message onto a notepad -==-
"Hi, my name is _____. I am your (our Thing’s name)."
types in “hi”
Sigh, class is almost over, now I’m copy+pasting this over before he sees me. I’ll explain what all that stuff up there is and a little bit more once I get home.
OK, my teacher FREAKING out on me thinking I’m in my E-mail
Show them what you’re actually doing, and I bet they’ll be impressed. You seem to have a very good grasp on this topic…
Funny how I am yet in another class that’s making me come to the school computers. Pretty nice ones too, about 30 P4 compac computers.
OK, anyway, back to what I was saying… an hour ago.
Let’s call this girl, “Ayumi”
So I picked a gender (female) and the way she looked. Then I chose if she’d stay young or if she’d grow old and die and such.
So lets have her scale of Happiness be set by how well you treat her and same with everything else about her (personality wise). So setting the age to 25 means that’s when her personality finally is SET. Once it’s set, the formula below is applied
Anger = # from 1 - 10, in this case 3 (you called her fat)
Temper = # from 1 - 10, in this case 8
timeElapsed = Time elapsed since you’ve angered her, in this case 12 minutes have passed
year = 356
hour = 8
seconds = 60
hour = 60
temperRecoveryRate = hour/((temper - anger)/timeElapsed/year)/seconds/minutes
… AHHHHHHHHHHH I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING COMPELTELY NEW, not sure if it’ll work though, I’ll work on it, lunch time =)
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