
me has been thinking and decided to nick my friends flash mx :smiley:

he wont mind he doesnt use it anyway.

but i would like to make a game witch other people can join around the work in one big areana or map. there must be alot more programs to do the serverside stuff in but what are they ?

for the game i was thinking something like habbo hotel, and that the map is made of blocks (witch will be huge to the person you play as) about 7 down and 12 across. you take a role of a person you design. and in the sentre of the world there is a city made of 4 blocks or so called the safe zone, where you can buy all sorts of things and carry them around with you. then when you travel outside the “safe zone” you can do what you want to the fellow people playing… eg blowem up with the shiny gun you bought and so on…

sounds like fun.

be a b!tc.h to make thougth.