Project breakdown with few questions

I’ve created kind of a project review to see ‘big picture’ (; Lot of classes in use so I needed a place to review and check some basic features. At this point there are some things I would like to improve and optimize (or change if necessary). Code of this review is description of what classes do, with descriptions of some important properties and methods. When I write [COLOR=red]stage.enterFrameHandler():updateChange()[/COLOR] - that means, [COLOR=red]stage[/COLOR] listens to [COLOR=red]Event.ENTER_FRAME[/COLOR] and handler is function [COLOR=red]enterFrameHandler()[/COLOR]; inside handler there are some conditions and if they are met [COLOR=red]updateChange()[/COLOR] is called. Hope you can understand it… This is the project, basicly.

class Default(), extends Sprite
    //  get = connect & query MySQL database
    //  add = create instance of an object
    // load = load .swf file
    // show = display objects
    /* variables */
    // public example; private _Example; 
    // protected _example; internal __example
    1 >  get application settings
    2 >  add _AppShell:Shell
    3 > load defaultSkin.swf
    3 >  add _AppSkin:Skin
    4 >  get page // url?pageID=e22Ob2fs51
    5 >  add assets = [__asset01:Asset, ..., __asset15:Asset]
    5 > show assets
class Shell(), extends Sprite
        _Background.width; _Background.height
    >>> reflect events
        recieve CoreEvent(bubble=true), child.dispatchEvent(CoreEvent)
class Skin(), extends Loader
    // static definitions of object properties and skins
    GenericButton:Class = _loader.appDomain.getDefinition("lib.GenericButton") as Class;
    TextFormats:Class = _loader.appDomain.getDefinition("lib.TextFormats") as Class;
    textFormats = new TextFormats();
    pageTitleFormat:TextFormat = TextField(textFormats.pageTitleFormat).defaultTextFormat;
class Spright(), extends Sprite
    // used as abstract class - never directly instanciated
    _HitArea:Sprite // !!!
    >>> ENGINE <<<
        // adopted from fl.core.UIComponent
        registerChange(property:String = PropertyChange.MARGIN, updateNow:Boolean):void
            // if (updateNow) updateChange() else stage.enterFrameHandler():updateChange() // !!!
            // if (PropertyChange.MARGIN) updatePosition()
            // if (PropertyChange.ALIGN) updateLayout()
    >>> get/set
        align:String, attach:String, sibling:DisplayObject,
            // Align.objects(this, sibling, Align.TOP_RIGHT)
            // this.attachTo(sibling:DisplayObject, Attach.LEFT_BOTTOM)
            // Attach.objects(this, sibling, Attach.LEFT_BOTTOM)
        padding:Object.<int>, margin:Object.<int>, lock:Object.<Boolean>
        background:DisplayObject, animated:Boolean
    >>> overrides
        x, y, width, height, mask, hitArea, root
        addChild(), removeChild()
            // addChild >>> if (_childOverride:Boolean) child.visible = false;
        // registerChange(PropertyChange.ALL);
class Control(width:Number = 0, height:Number = 0), extends Spright
    // handles style, type, validation, focus
    _Patern:RegExp // validation
    >>> get/set
        style:Style, type:Type, valid:Boolean, focusObject:DisplayObject
    >>> overrides
class Label(), extends Control
class Button(states:SimpleButton = new Skin.GenericButton()), extends Control
    >>> get/set
        toggle:Boolean, down:Boolean
class TextInput(), extends Control
    >>> get/set 
class Container(width:Number = 0, height:Number = 0), extends Spright
    // empty container with properties from Spright...
class SizeEditor(), extends Container
    _Width:TextInput, _Height:TextInput, etc
class Component(width:Number = 0, height:Number = 0), extends Spright
    // few extra properties...
class ButtonBar(), extends Component
    >>> get/set
        layout:Layout, down:Boolean
        // for each (button:Button in _Buttons:Array) if ( != button) button.reset()
class EditMenu(), extends Component
    _SizeEditor:SizeEditor, _Buttons:ButtonBar, etc
class Login(), extends Component
    _Username:TextInput, _Password:TextInput, _Submit:Button, etc
class Asset(), extends Component
    _Title:Label, _EditMenu:EditMenu, _Image:Media, etc

here are few questions:

1. “Reflecting” Events: what’s best way to do this? If you look at the project structure [COLOR=blue]Asset[/COLOR] class is a display object that is added to stage. It’s created using content from database and contains lot of other objects. If I move an [COLOR=blue]Asset[/COLOR] on stage [COLOR=blue]Shell[/COLOR] will recieve [COLOR=red]CoreEvent.MOVE[/COLOR] and should dispatch it to other Assets that are ‘connected’ to this one. Which brings me to the next question

2a. Detecting when object creation is complete: how can I be sure if object ‘creation’ is complete? For example if I make [COLOR=blue]Button[/COLOR] I would set some of the properties (not all) I need:

// example 1
var button:Button = new Button();
button.width = 50;
button.toggle = true;
// example 2
var button:Button = new Button();
button.width = 50;
button.toggle = true;

Using the ‘engine’ I riped off from fl.core.UIComponent :stuck_out_tongue: (they call it invalidate/validate, I used propertyChange/resetChange) both of these examples will work in my code. I need some way to detect when [COLOR=blue]Button[/COLOR] is created, so I can stop updating it when changes happen on other, connected objects. But I can’t figure out right way to do it. Any ideas?

2b. Delaying updates: the ‘engine’ I’m using is using [COLOR=red]Event.ENTER_FRAME[/COLOR] to ‘wait’ for property changes. For example, I want to set background to red, but width and height of object are not yet set. So when I add backround = 0xFF0000, engine adds ENTER_FRAME listener and waits… When width and height are set, red background is created and listener is removed. I ran into few situations where I wanted to use some other method to delay update, but couldn’t figure out how. Creating [COLOR=blue]Timer[/COLOR] didn’t seam like a good idea at the time I tried (tho’ I don’t know why now LOL). Anyway, any other approaches to this?

3. Skinning: I’m using .swf files to skin my objects. It works really nice - creating objects in Flash IDE and using them in my AS3. Easy to change skins too. I was wondering how would you deal with skinning issue.

4. Abstract Class: I would like to make my [COLOR=blue]Spright[/COLOR] trully abstract class (for example extending [COLOR=blue]DisplayObjectContainer[/COLOR]), but I really need [COLOR=red]hitArea[/COLOR] property from Sprite. And I don’t know how to extend both [COLOR=blue]Spright [/COLOR]and [COLOR=blue]Sprite [/COLOR]in my [COLOR=blue]Component[/COLOR] class (; Any ideas?

Hope my ‘code’ isn’t too confusing (: Think of it as [COLOR=blue]Interface[/COLOR] with benefits :stuck_out_tongue: I really couln’t thing of a different way to show some thousand lines of code in 150 lines xD If you can see what’s going on here, fell free to comment and/or suggest some other way to do things…