Project orion

Saw a program on project orion last night, id never heard of it really, but i was amazed.
It is a seriously impressive invention and equally worrying (for its military applications)

Its is (for people who dont know) a big space rocket , which has no chemical boosters, but instead is propelled by directed and controlled atomic expolsions.

If you are interested in space exploration check it out, the project was shelved by kennedy just after the cuban missile crisis in a knee jerk reaction to failing public support for nuclear weapons, probably rightly so.
but the US government is STILL working on it and similar technologies (like proposed medusa engine, which is a variant of orions propulsion sytem)

It is very interesting as it could be (if ever made) mans salvation (in so much as expanding our race through the universe) but could also be mans darkest hour if put to the wrong use.
It can for instance be used to deliver a vast nuclear warhead over a whole hemisphere thus causing fallout on a massive scale.

is one link to a site with more info, i have no real point just thought id mention it, i have mixed feelings on it personally.

Put that in my engine, hook up a flowmaster to it, spoilers, thin tires, and be pimpin’ hard with my Orion Engine!

Anyway thats friggin cool, I still wonder what spead they can reach.