Anti Rocket Laser

Funny how this was mentioned and broadcasted on the show “Beyond 2000” about 10 years ago.

Forget the laser

Being able to fire from beind cover at a 90 degree angle is the sickest thing i have ever seen.

/agrees :A+:

cool, but a bit too big, i think they should be able to easily make it smaller

yes…easily and while theyre at it, they should throw in a food processor, waterbed and balloon inflater…
kind of like what theyre doing to cellphones nowdays


i mean really, its just a gun…whats the point of having an army when you need a 160 iq just to operate the artillery

I saw on the History Channel before some ground breaking technologies that used mini cameras with heat vision filters and all on the nose of a rifle to send images to special goggles the soldiers wear, allowing them to not only see enemies’ body heat, but to also be able to shoot from around corners, over walls, and other cool stuff like that.

thats cool, but who says the laser couldnt be used as a terrorism device? but that gun is jsut sick nasty…

Yep, a freind of mine was a Russian Military Engneer, and they went to Egypt about 10 years ago to test how to destroy tanks with lasers, works like a charm…

EDIT: The gun, is okay, its just a USP hangun in a holder (you can see it in the pic) Expensive and easely damaged, its best for like the SWAT team.

Midi, nah, cant be used by terrorist , not anytime soon, too big, bulkey and hard to operate. and $$$

Yeah it is. I worked on some stuff in this area this summer, frequencies of lasers and the power necessary to shoot a missle out of the sky. It has a lot of potential for the future. Anyone intereted in more information, try googling “laircm” and see what comes up.


I dont, have a link (Or at least I dont think there is a link) But he worked for the Russian Engneer Weapons Corps. They would set up lazers on the back of flat bed trucks and just start drilling holes in target as far as they could see… only porbem, they where in desert, and sometimes dust and what not gets in the way…

THis guy Lesha, also showed me pics of how when they where bored in the office shot holes in old satelites.