So I have question… Hope someone can help…I’m making a projector file for someone that doesn’t have a flash player…Now I know projectors can work on any computer neither or not there is a player installed… but I have these links in my projector that load a swf movie into the projector… So the question is will the files work in the projector without the flash player installed? Please help…I’d be very grateful:)
If you are loading them in via loadMovie() then it will work no problem.
If you are opening them up individually they will each need to be a project file and opened using the fscommand exec command (try saying that 10 times fast)
fscommand exec command
fscommand exec command
fscommand exec command
fscommand exec command
fscommand exec command
fscommand exec command
fscommand exec command
fscommand exec command
fscommand exec command
fscommand exec command
great thanks for the help…
Digigamer: I said say it, not type it, and not CTRL+C CTRL+V it
how do you know I don’t say what I’m typing while I’m typing it?
i’m just that good at knowing things.
ckmoon: no problem