Whats up all. I need some help here. I’m designing a mySQL database for this website I’m doing. The whole site will be dynamic, of course making it easy to update via control panel system.
The website is pretty small so far. I narrowed it down to 5 sections, each section having sub categories. I created a real basic flowchart of how the structure will be.
The thing thats somewhat concerning me is the sub sections. I never really had subsections to anysites I did. Once I did a while back and to be honest i think I structured the database incorrecty.
My thaughts are to have 5 tables lets say for the content.
No im guessing I should have another table with all the sub categories and link the ID’s together.
1st problem: How do I make a relationship in mySQL? I’ve never used mySQL like this, only for basic stuff.
2nd problem: Something is telling me that this sin’t the best way to approach this.
I’m hoping someone will be able to lead me into the right direction with this, as I lack in experience with not only mySQL but generating an entire sites content , especially a site with sub categories.
Here is a link to my ugly little flowchart (-: