Property of a property

Hi, I have a question about AS3 I couldn’t find any answers.
I’d be glad if you could help me.

I can only explain this by an example; so:
I have 2 classes and one of them includes the other as a getter/setter property:

public class First {
    private var _X:Number = 0;
    public function get X():Number {
        return _X;
    public function set X(value:Number):void {
        _X = value;

    // some other properties here...
    public function First(x:Number) {
        this.X = x;

public class Second {
    private var _first:First = new First(0, 0);
    public function get first():First {
        return _first;
    public function set first(value:First):void {
        _first = value;
    public function Second() {}

var second:Second = new Second();
//When I execute the following code:
second.first = new First(1, 1);  //ExpectedMethod() is fired which is ok.

//I need the following code to return the same result:
second.first.X = 1; //but it does not. ( ExpectedMethod() is NOT fired. )

I know why…
but is there a way to tweak this code to get what I want?