Prototype not working directly calling in a function

I’ve a strange problem. I defined a movieclip prototype for tweening.

MovieClip.prototype.tweening = function(destination) {
 this.destinationX = destination;
 this.onEnterFrame = function() {
  var distance = this.destinationX-this._x;
  this._x += distance/5;

Two arrays for clips location and clips

defaultLocation = [ 252.8, 338.5, 400.6, 454.8, 539.5 ];
left01Clips = [clip_01, clip_02, clip_03, clip_04, clip_05]; 

I defined another function to restore the location of the clips and call the function.

function restoreLocation (){
 for ( i=0; i<left01Clips.length; i++ ) {
restoreLocation () //It's not working. 

But we call this function using a button some thing like this it’s working. what is going wrong with this.

myButton.onRelease = function () {
restoreLocation () ;