I’m looking for a PS3 Gamercard system, just like the one available at PS3Tag.com (this happens to be my site). I really do not know which language will be needed, but whatever would work best for this type of system is what I’d like to have.
I’d need a user of the site to be able to first create an account, choose a specific card and customize it with information/content relating to PlayStation Network, and then be able to generate the image, with a code (HTML and BB code) for users to use on forums, blogs, and websites.
As for the administrative side, I’d need to be able to add skins (cards), games, and stuff along that nature.
(You can check PS3Tag.com or TripleTags.com to see exactly what I’m talking about.)
Also, if you’re an experienced coder, and would like to be apart of the site, then you can also contact me about that as well. The site has tons of potential with already about 600,000 pages indexed in Google, in only three months.
If you want to give me a quote or just get in touch with me, my email is [email protected], so you can get in contact with me via that, or you can post here or send me a private message, either one’s fine. My budget for this is at least 300-1000 dollars, so it’d have to be around that area though.