[TABLE=“class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center”]
[TD=“class: alt1, bgcolor: #FFFFFF”]Hello
I am trying to convert a psd file to html. I downloaded a free psd template and after I modified I am ready to convert it in html. I have looked over the web for tutorials another stuff but I got lost. Most of them required to write a code and I got not clue on codes. In the meanwhile when I open the psd with fireworks cs5 I can view the sliced parts layers from the original psd so I guess i do not need to do that job. But I do not know how to convert it in html so I can continue with dreamweaver the creation of my site.I tried to export is as html but I still get all pictures and i cannot thereforE insert a text in DW cs5. Also I tried under the slice web toll to export all part as as images and only the main body where I plan to put the text as html but I still have failed.I also
opened the psd in Photoshop using the slices, then Save for Web & Devices…, Save…, Format > HTML & Images, but what I get is an image html which is not good in terms of SEO
Secondly when I opened the html file with DW cs I got the design let me call or a layout. Should I start filling it with the images obtained from the psd?But how will I be able edit the text in DW since it will be a set of images?Could you please suggest me how to do that?Also I plane to insert a flash menu on some images. Do i have to do that before exporting it in html or it is still possible to do that later. Thank you!
