Psp: $350 us

wow, thats pretty steep. I don’t know if I’d go for that. I think I’d rather take my chances with the Nintendo DS @ $150.


Just wait until I buy one, then they will go down to $150

$350!!! WTF are they smoking! but the truth is, we dont have to be surprised - like me - we all knew this thing was gonna be expensive…I guess I´ll go with the DS now…

…but the price is likely to have been influenced by the MP3 player and DVD player functionality of the portable system.

now you understand…

also, bear in mind…

Update: The story seems to have devolved into rumour under examination. Take this one with a grain of salt.

ooo the rumor update wasnt there when I first read it. That brings some optimism to the table.

As for the other aspects of PSP - DVD player… MP3 player… doesn’t this thing take UMDs? What good are they when my DVD collection is comprised of “normal” DVDs? And what of MP3s. Will I have a way to burn MP3 disks for the thing?

it supports DVD and mp3´s but still expensive…they have it complicated against DS IMHO

I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t annouced at TGS. I was following the coverage of that and haven’t seen that mentioned anywhere but slashdot, and they’re not the most reliable video game news source in the business.

Also, it doesn’t support DVD’s, they wouldn’t fit in it. (They use UMD video)

I dont think that is the price or wont be the final price. They would price themselves right out of the game. I’ll hunt around and see if there is anything more reliable.

DS 150 :sigh:

Wow, all of them are over priced considering all they are are flimsy handheld devices that only allow you to play games and simple applications. :frowning: