Well seems like sony is either starting rumors or are actually saying the PS3 price I cant imagine how much PS3s are gonna be sold for on ebay :lol:
Well seems like sony is either starting rumors or are actually saying the PS3 price I cant imagine how much PS3s are gonna be sold for on ebay :lol:
Won’t see me getting one. Screw PS3
I’ll wait to see what the price is on the day it launches - then I’ll believe it.
Wow, What a rip off. Theres me thinking Bill Gates was greedy :lo:
All for some dumb CD… that will be cracked in a year or the system will be.
:huh: I love Sony and all, but as a student living away from home (from september) it’ll be at least a year after the launch before I can afford to buy a PS3 if that’s the launch price. £350 GBP is just ridiculous! :td:
Evidently Sony are aiming for the “two kids named after super heroes and a house in Notting Hill” demographic. I can’t see many kids or any students being able to get a console at that price.
So, time for Plan B: Wait for PS3 to come out and then buy an XBox 360 at the reduced price.
Sorry Sony, but that’s just too much.
I dont like it either (the price), but I Know I am going to have to have one.
Actually, it’s not greed. Sony have put such expensive technology in the PS3 that they simply can’t afford to sell it for less than they will. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that Sony expect to make a huge loss on the PS3.
I just hope that the improvements in performance justify the use of the Blu-Ray discs and the Cell processor.
If they had gone with conventional DVDs and chips the price would have been much lower and the release sooner, but the improvement over the PS2 and XBox360 wouldn’t have been as much.
aye, it will be purchased no question, lol, I got a 360 and its pretty lame so far except for ghost recon and doa4 and have you seen the shots for MGS4 :+)
have to try killzone :rambo:
A lot of it is blue ray. Theres a lot of cost resulting from that decision.
then lets wait for bluray to reduce its price…the technology itself seems very expensive.
but i swear that i will get one…GOd of War 3…
It blows my mind that all this is for blue ray.
The sad part is I am a complete video game junky and will HAVE TO buy it anyhow.
:lol: I will purchase it once they release God of War 3which will be in maybe 2 more years or more since theyre working on God of War 2 for PS2 or maybe when metal gera comes out dont know but I definitely wont get it at launch ill wait maybe for a price drop I purchased xbox1 when it was 200 bucks and loved it so much i bought a x360 at launch my PS2 and GC have been doorstopss ince god know when.
BTW fes how you likign your X360 havent seen you online yet :-/
I have been obsessed with oblivion :lol:
I havn’t even barely played Ghost Recon yet. Those are the only two games I currently have.
It’s still worth it!!! Haven’t any of you seen the features?
It has a BluRay player which retails for $1000+
meaning the ps3 must be a toned down low end sucky BluRay player
Yeah but whats the point if your not geared up for HDTV?
I have a 50in bigscreen thats not HDTV compatible. I dont plan on tossing that thing any time soon.
The advantage is that console makers (like sony) are willing to take hits for the hardware in order to get it out there so they can make more money on games. Other bluray players are out to make a profit on the hardware.
Of course in a few years, the players will be a hell of a lot cheaper. I imagine the PS3 will drop in price dramatically over time as well. Early adopters will be paying out the ears, while people who wait might be able to get it as low as probably less than half the original price. Of course theres no telling how long that will take, but I don’t think long. DVD recorders, for example, went pretty low pretty quick.
What? Did none of you hear yet that this isn’t going to be the price of the PS3, rather it was a mistranslation?
He person who this rumored price came from meant to say “(the PS3 would be an amazing deal for blue ray) EVEN if it were priced between [$612 to $734].”
He didn’t say “(the PS3 is going to be an amazing deal for blue ray) at a price between [$612 to $734].”
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