Sup every1!
OK so about 3 weeks ago i had my PSP stolen and i cried about it here:
Anyway i went through the 5 stages of grief, learned my lesson and am now back to normal.
I want to buy a new handheld device. But thing is, i dont know what to get though… Should i get another psp? or a pda? or ipod? am i missing out on better stuff?
I am grade 12 and will be going to Uni/Coll next year. I enjoyed my 2gb psp (1.5v okay:trout:). Games, Music, the occasional videos and photos.
I used the internet and found a couple of stuff that i liked including:
Dell Axim X51,
HP[FONT=arial,sans-serif][SIZE=-1] IPAQ RX3715 Mobile Media
u guys can add some stuff too and help me choose - ur help will greatly be appreciated!!!