Publish setting from flash 5 to flash 8

I am working on a flash project that was created with the publish setting of Flash 5, however I need to update this flash and the publish setting for the update requires it to be Flash 8, actionscript 2. I have been trying to figure this out for weeks, and even asked on the adobe site, but no help. I can play and view the swf while the publish setting is in flash 5, everything works (the text shows and rollover works and the audio), however when I change it to flash 8, the audio works and the text is there, but when I put my cursor over the text the rollover images do not appear.

This is the actionscript for Frame 1


for (g=1; g<7; g++) {

function menutest () {
for (i=1; i<7; i++) {
// Reset Lesson colors
// myColorObject = new Color(this[“l”+i]+[“.myitem”]);
// myColorObject.setRGB(0x020053);
this[“l” + i].gotoAndStop(1);
// Set Lesson Colors
// myColorObject = new Color(this[“l”+i]+[“.myitem”]);
// myColorObject.setRGB(0xD7A550);
//trace (“testName”+ testName);

swap = testName.substr(1);



and this is the actionscript for the rollover (i believe)

onClipEvent (load) {
this._alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

if (ii &lt;= 100) {
    ii += 2;
    _root.info22._alpha = ii;
} else {        
    _root.info22._alpha = 100;

//trace(“ii” + ii);

the other actions for the script with the coding above

onClipEvent (load) {

onClipEvent (load) {

Any help will be appreciated, even a site or something that shows the difference between the actionscript for Flash 5 to Flash 8 will be helpful.