Publishing Issue

When I preview my swf on my computer it looks absolutely perfect. The FFF fonts are sharp, everything is the right size and where it needs to be. The second I view it through the html caller, it gets totally messed up. It shrinks down a whole bunch and all the fonts become blurry beyond recognition. Any ideas why? You can check out the problem at

what quality are you exporting your swf at?

High I believe

Fonts from FFF are pixel fonts. That means they have to be put on at exact coordinates like x-10 y- 50 NOT x-10.3 y-50.9.

Screen resolution will also play a part in this.


Right. They should be exactly aligned at 1024x768, that is the way I have it set up. I’m just wondering why the html squishes the swf and makes it smaller.

because ur html says 950 by 600

Technically it doesnt make it smaller. It just looks smaller becuase of a high resolution display.

Thats why icons for example on a 800x600 display appear larger than on a 1024x768 display. Even though they are not.


Right, I know about that. The thing is, I set up the swf to be at the size I want on a 1024x768 screen resolution. The 950 by 600 was just matching document size. I think I fixed it though :). I played with the publishing settings a bit until it seemed to work when I recentered and changed a couple of things. Thanks guys. See if it works for you now.


Cool :stuck_out_tongue: