Fonts and sizing questions

Hello all,

My question is about sizing and fonts in flash. In general is there a rule to design the project big and then size it down for say a banner or to make it the size you think it will be used. In dreamweaver and other web tools I use 100% in a table and scale like that but I’m not sure of scaling in Flash.

I have read the TUT on fonts on this site and went to FFF to grab some free ones. Are the FFF fonts the same as TT fonts?

When I paste/import a graphic with a font and convert it to a symbol it seems to get fuzzy when small, is this a bad practice?

make sure you are using your pixel fonts at really small sizea (eg 8 and 10) because that is what they are ment to be used at. also make sure that the x and y of them are a whole number not like 14.2 change that to 14. and make sure to use dynamic text boxes and embed your fonts, then they should stay crisp.

All FFF fonts must be set at 8 pixels size to show up crisp.
And do not use bold or italics.


no problem :slight_smile:

Also, scaling doesn’t matter in Flash because it uses vectors instead of bitmaps. This means you can design at whatever size you like, because you can scale the images up to any size.

8 and multiples 8, 16, 24, 32, etc