Publishing setings

Hello everybody here;
has been quite a while since i participated here.

I’m working on a CD-ROM, and because i didn’t work on flash for a long time i am getting fustrated on the publishing setings.

The problem is that i want to be able to set the swf to full screen mode or 100% view, but the elements i have outside the stage keep appearing on screen.
i know, STUPID questio to ask.

anyone to clear the waters in this problem.

Thanks a million from portugal :beer:


To avoid seeing the elements outside the stage, you have to use the “show all” feature, not the “100%”.


if you choose show all, having the window maximized, the elements keep showing.

thanks for hint:to:


The quick and easy solution is to create a masking layer.

Create a new layer, and drag it to the top of all your other layers.

Draw a rectangle with no borders that exactly fits your stage area.

Right click this topmost layer and select mask.

Now drag the other layers to reside as a “child object” of this masking layer. Then right click the topmost layer again and select “show masking.”

Now only the items on the stage (aka in the area where you drew the huge rectangle) will appear in the movie.

If you have trouble post up, I or someone else will help.
But make sure you use the “search” function at the top right first.
