Pure, Crystallized Idiocy

Ok, not sure if this is going to resonate with non-Americans…

Here in the states, most states have a lottery, Virginia included. Now, I’m all for people doing what they want with their own money, but people really ought to have their priorities straight.

A few minutes prior to writing this, I was on my way into work and stopped at my usual 7-Eleven for my daily doses of Seltzer and Caffiene. In front of me is a young lady probably about 22 or 23) holding a one-year old. She proceeds to spend about $20 on friggin’ scratch tickets. (For those of you elsewhere, they’re these little slips of paper with opaque resin that you scratch off with a coin or key or whatever, in the hopes of getting one with matching numbers.) I stared at her incredulously, and on my way out of the store I stopped.

She looks over at me and I say, “Excuse me. I noticed that you just blew $20 on gambling with theives (the state govt.). Now, what do you think is going to do that little boy you’re holding more good - pissing away cash on your gambling adiction, or socking it away in a college savings account?”

Her jaw hung agape, like noone had ever talked to her like that before, and I walked out of the store. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
