What is your fave movie that is somehow associated with computers?
I’d have to say that mine is AntiTrust with Rachel Leigh Cook and YUM Ryan Phillippe!
What is your fave movie that is somehow associated with computers?
I’d have to say that mine is AntiTrust with Rachel Leigh Cook and YUM Ryan Phillippe!
I liked Hackers
I don’t think I saw anti-trust… but Rachael Leigh Cook…
Oh and of course… this is technically a computer flick…
The Matrix.
Hackers has to be one of the funniest movies of all time. They get on their 56k’s at the phone booths with their little eye lense thing and start navigating the system at the place. Then they send bunny rabbits across the guys screen and he kills them. Oh, and you can’t forget the great t.v. show, HACK THE PLANET.
Matrix was a very cool movie (can’t wait for #2 and #3).
My favorite has to be (omg I don’t even know the name) but the one where the computer takes over the nukes and the kid has to play tic-tac-toe to stop the annihalation of the human civ. Can’t beat it :).
That is why I love hackers so much.
Back then that was soo cool, but now that I own a computer and know my stuff, that movie threw out every lie they could and tried to make it sound real. It is great!
Thing with those types of movies is that when you know a thing or two about computers, you start picking holes in it all.
Like have you ever noticed how in films, no-one ever has to wait for stuff to download off the Net? There’s no lag! And their email programs are way different to those I for one use. And how someone can guess a password in about 3 goes? Or can hack into the Pentagon secret computers?
I could go on here, but I’ll spare you all.
Oh. I do happen to like the Matrix though.
Yeah I get what you mean Kit. But about the e-mail programs and browsers and such… so they don’t advertise non-investors, they make up their own stuff of course.
But yeah, I totally get what you mean… "OH MAN, 5,863 GIGS!!! THIS FILE WILL TAKE LIKE 3 MINUTES TO DOWNLOAD! "[SIZE=1]but will fit on this brand new mini cd[/SIZE]
The Matrix, No doubt.
Just hope they dont screw up the next two… =T
oh man i loved that movie hackers. it came out when i was like…i dont even know how old, and i remember seeing it on the usa network in like 3rd grade. i was pretty much obessed with the movie from that point on until 7th grade.
3 goes to hack? Well, maybe if your the 3 amigos on the X-files spinoff…Pentagon computers? Some kid in England or Scotland hacked the pentagon puters about 5 years ago. Do you remember that incident? He was able to access all sorts of super secret blueprints for all sorts of stuff. I think he was a Brit if memory serves correctly…
Yeah, I hink Britain has it’s fair share of hackers. But this guy probably spent ages trying, and in the movies they do it in a matter of minutes. Maybe a slight exaggeration, but you know what I mean.
I agree with you on the Flash thing though. A lot of the stuff does look like it was made with that. Jobs for us, anyone?
lol Yes Kit but hey, if your watching a movie, and it takes several hours for a guy to hack into the pentagon, would you wanna sit there for 3 Hours watching him? Nah I get what’cha mean and all, but hey, just a movie :x
Oblique :evil:
PS: If Final Fantasy counts, since it was computer generated (so I was told…) thats my pick
Yes Final Fantasy was computer generated… and 100% amazing in my opinion, but no it isn’t a movie about computers… so it doesn’t count
BUt then again, next did say associated with comps, which it was… so hmmmm…
I haven’t seen Hackers, but I saw most of (I was trying to do my math homework) Pirates of the Silicon Valley. I didn’t get it too much because I was paying half-attention, but it’s hilarious. You should see it sometime. :beard:
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