Quaking motion

Is there a way to make an object or text quake using actionscript? I’m looking for a sort of earthquake feel to the movement.

Thanks a bunch!

Try a simple random movement. Just make sure the movement occurs x times/sec and move the object just slightly.

I think.

If I have time I’ll work something out.

Here’s a tutorial that makes things vibrate that may be what you’re looking for.
vibrate tutorial

Oh man, that’s almost perfect! But is there a way to slow down the vibration speed a little?

yes there is, the two easiest ways to do it in my opinion are:
set a lower framerate or
create a variable inside the script to slow it down like this(its the script from the kirupa tutorial)

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = cx+(1+Math.random()*5);
this._y = cy+(1+Math.random()*5);