I’m disabling the (right click)menu in my flash movie, so I want to make it so that the user can cycle through low, med, and high quality by pressing “q”
ummmm… so how do I go about doing this?
I know I’ll use
if (Key.isDown(Key.Q)
but that’s about it. I’m also aware of two properties, those being _quality and _highquality, I just dont’ know how to use them. And don’t I need to stick this inside of
// Put this code in the first frame of your movie
function toggleQuality()
if(toggle <= 3)
} else {
toggle = 0;
_quality = qualitynames[toggle];
// Place this in the first frame of your movie
_root.onLoad = function()
toggle = 0;
qualitynames = new Array();
qualitynames = ["LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH", "BEST"];
// Place this where you want the action to happen...
// Whichever frame that might be
There you go man… Albeit… I wouldn’t totally get rid of the right click menu…
The very first frame of my movie is part of the preloader. the movie cycles through the first 3 frames until all frames are loaded. The code you gave me is on that first frame. I put the next part of the code (the if key down) on the fourth frame, the first frame that comes up when the movie is loaded.
And I want the quality select to be available through the whole movie