I’m a CF tured php dev’r. I alway thought that the query of queries functionality in CF was something that every server side script should have. So I made a simple script that allows your to run a query against an already made recordset (SELECT ONLY) I wanted to see if anyone had anything they wanted to add or had some recommendations on this script. Below is the script. The function takes 3 parameters (the sql statement you want to run, the recordset you want to run the query againt, and the name of the table) I typicall just use a guid for the table name, using the com_create_guid()
function QQ($sql, $rs, $table){
$table = com_create_guid();
$table = str_replace("{",'',$table);
$table = str_replace("}",'',$table);
$table = str_replace("-",'',$table);
$table = str_replace("/",'',$table);
$table = str_replace("\",'',$table);
$table = str_replace(".",'',$table);
$table = str_replace("+",'',$table);
$num_fields = mysql_num_fields($rs);
$num_records = mysql_num_rows($rs);
$tcs = 'CREATE TABLE '.$table.' (';
$insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.'( ';
$drop_sql = 'DROP TABLE '.$table;
//Loop through the fields
//Get the name of the field
$field_name = mysql_field_name($rs,$i);
//Get the field name to my table creation statement
$tcs = $tcs.$field_name.' varchar('.mysql_field_len($rs,$i).')';
//Add the field name INSERT statement
$insert_sql = $insert_sql.$field_name;
//Add the comma
if($i != ($num_fields-1)){
$tcs = $tcs.',';
$insert_sql = $insert_sql.', ';
}//end loop
$tcs = $tcs.")";
$insert_sql = $insert_sql.")";
//Craate the table in the database
//Insert the current recordset into the database. Two loops, 1)control the reocrds, 2) control the fields
$add = 'VALUES(';
$add = $add."'".mysql_result($rs,$i,$a)."'";
if($a != ($num_fields-1)){
$add = $add.',';
}//end inner loop
$insert_tmp = $insert_sql.$add.")";
//Excecute the insertion of the recordset into the table
}//end outer loop
//Run the query provided by the user
$new_query = mysql_query($sql);
//echo "SELECT ERROR: ".mysql_error()."<BR>";
//echo "DROP ERROR: ".mysql_error()."<BR>";
return $new_query;
}//end function