Question about actionscript!

i saw a graet menu at
when i done this i used this script, but didn’t work how it suppose! PLS help!

onClipEvent (load) {
inertia = 0.6;
k = 0.1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x = -this._x+_root._xmouse;
xp = xpinertia+xk;
_x += xp;

pls have a look at and tell me how you think that it is done!


seems to me that they put each of the menutabs in an MC and have that MC follow the horizontal position of the mouse cursor within an certain range. I don’t know if for this you need some kind of collision detecten? For the rest just onRollOvers.

i taught that also, but it can’t ; because then they move together next to each other.
And a nother thing they go after each other and don’t go above each other.
How do the do that?
Do you have a nother suggestion?
Thanks anyway!

What do you mean by onrollovers?
How can you do that?

you forgot to add a } at the end of the code :wink:

onClipEvent (load) {
inertia = 0.6;
k = 0.1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
x = -this._x+_root._xmouse;
xp = xp*inertia+x*k;
_x += xp;

Cheers :bounce:

i know that! only in this form, but not in my MC!

Looks like it moves according to some of Robert Penners Easing Equations to me…

Some great stuff here (but definitely advanced)…