Question about box2d

Hey, I’m making my ‘first game’ currently.
This is what I’ve got so far (I’ve spent minimal time on it so far – not very full of features):

Now, I know the walls are buggy, but that’s the reason Im asking my question. See – the ‘objects’ in my game are going to be of various shapes and sizes – very hard to program a way to make it all not buggy. I was about to sink into the void and make it so that the walls and objects are all square, but then I remembered a little physics engine…

Box2d. Now I can guess what you are thinking?: what would a physics engine do to help you. But, I if I remember correctly, it can handle various collisions on different shapes. So I ask, do you think it would work? Would it make the game buggy? A lot less dynamic? Can I still do things like animations? Can I still have objects that dont care if they are going through an object?


EDIT: how to access stage.stageWidth inside a class? I cant seem to do it :confused: It throws an error.