I added a trace line and it broke my entire app. No lie. A trace line. I took it out and it didn’t help. Now I’ve got a broken parent and I can’t figure out why. I’m about to have a meltdown. I’m right on the verge of naming my shoelaces, refusing to eat anything but carrots dipped in ketchup and making everyone call me “Lady Penguin” for the rest of my life. HELP!!!
trace (this.dropTarget.parent); //traces the correct object
if (currentObjOver.parent != null && currentObjOver.isLocked == true) {
trace (this.dropTarget.parent); //traces the correct object
currentObjOver.gotoAndStop ("Lock");
else if (currentObjOver.parent != null && currentObjOver.isLocked == false) {
trace (this.dropTarget.parent); //traces the correct object
currentObjOver.gotoAndStop ("Off");
trace (this.dropTarget.parent); //traces null and BREAKS EVERYTHING
Why? Where did my parent go? I JUST WANT MY MOMMY!!!
[/desperate plea for help]