Question about file compatiblity for Apple

No this is NOT a apple VS pc showdown.

I am going to get a apple computer and i was wondering a few things. Can transfer my video files (wmv etc) onto apple and run them? I have my work on windows office format. will i be abble to open them?

with many windows software eg MSN. is there a apple version?


You’ll find that almost all major creative applications are originally made for Mac, then ported to Windows… You can network them easily and read/write to the Mac HD from your PC and vice versa, without any problems. For playing all video files except Quicktime movies, I suggest getting VideoLan (vlc). It’ll play all formats including DivX, XviD and MPEG, and it’s free. I absolutely love what they’ve done with MS Office:Mac 2004. It’s just like an Adobe app, with all the floating pallettes and panels. It feels really nice for an MS program :slight_smile: Better than the Windows version, imo.
The only thing is MSN for Mac is somewhat lacking. No video or audio capabilities :frowning: Other than that though, it seems fine. You should probably try something like Gaim - it’s open-source and will connect to almost all IM networks, including MSN (kinda like Trillian).

It really depends on what software you’re using… give me a list and I’ll go through and make Mac suggestions :smiley:

Enjoy your Mac.

ic. well i’m not your download acoholic who downloads software for no reason.

I use
Macromedia Studios 2004 (already a apple / win version)
Adobe Elements (alread a apple / win version)

and thats about all for main software.

What i’m more worried about is the little things.

Like I use msn to contact my peers and still want to. I would really prefer a software from apple or at least a trusted source. I’d like to be able to connect to msn, chat, have video and audio converstaions. Is there a software like this?

What are the best Firewall and Antivirus software for apple. I use bitdendfer and zonealarm so it wont work anymore.

Mostly i just download software from the internet from adobe etc so it will be fine.

Really i just need a name of a good msn program for apple.
a good firewall and antivirus. ALSO i still use MS office stuff. I don’t want to get the mac version of office (rip off). I was looking at appleworks as a more inexpensive solution. How good is this program? I will be doing excel, word and presentation work. databases… don’t use them =].

Looking at it going to apple is a pretty good idea. I don’t think its like your totally isolated from the world. There are millions of apple uses so theres got to be tones of apple freeware, shareware and open source software.

BTW, i guess apple computers are safer, but i’ll still need to keep up usual security measures. just been reading around that shareware, open source software etc can cause problems with MAC OS. just wondering, what are the main security threats to MAC OS?

THANKS! hope you can suggest some good software!

just to let you know i’m getting the new imac G5. I just got sick of the wires from my PC.


:frowning: I want a G5…

yes well… its looks like you’re all set for your mainstream programs. only thing is, with studiomx2004, did you already activate it on your Windows machine? macromedia DOES allow you to transfer your licenses to other machines, but once you activate the software on a particular platform, you can’t switch. (ie. if you originally activated on windows, you’ll have to get another license - or a crossgrade - for your Mac).

msn… yeah, well its a shame. iChat AV (the latest version) is supposed to be really good (even better in the upcoming Mac OS 10.4). you can sign into it using either a .Mac account or an AIM screen-name. the latter leads me to believe it uses the AIM network, therefore allowing you to chat to ppl using AIM (including Windows users), not just iChat users.

Appleworks comes with ‘compatibility plugins’ for MS Office, which means you can open and save into MS Office format files. im pretty sure it’s a full-featured, comprehensive office suite.

security on Mac? i personally wouldn’t worry about it. especially not viruses. but if you want to use a firewall (for monitoring purposes, etc…), have a look around places like or cnet. im not exactly sure.

btw, are you getting one of those shiny new brushed-metal displays with your G5? :wink:

i don’t know what you mean my activating. I entered the serial number and all.

I think with macromedia you can change. i’m sure its not take much of an issue. i’ll just call them up or something.

ahh yeah. i just checked and they have this neat “licence transfer” so its not a hassle.

You should get the new Imac. Its so kool and its pretty decent in price. I mean a 17’’ LCD screen is already $400 -$500 USD alone. I think the new Imac G5 is really kool, i only wish it was $100-$200USD cheaper. then i would be very pleased.

I’m still waiting for the benchmark test to see which model i want to get. Just curious. i have been using PCs all my life. And to my expreience you got to have 512mb of ram MINIUM. Is this the same for a mac? it seems it 256 is plenty for a mac?

Just some opinions:
Current Computer:
P4 800mhz FSB
512 DDR400 Ram
512kb L2 Cache
80gig HD
128mb SD RAM Geforce 4

GOing to a Apple:
G5 64bit 600mhz FSB
512 DDR400 Ram
512kb L2 Cache
80gig HD
64mb SD RAM Geforce 4

just curious how would this compare? I would guess overall the Imac is a 64bit compared to a 32bit.


thanks for the tips!

btw. do you mind testing if you can chat to a msn account.


The very latest version has Jabber as well, meaning that you can connect to basically everything thru Jabber transport.

benchmarks? the new dual 2.5GHz G5 is about 80% faster than a dual 3.2GHz Xeon :smiley:

btw, im pretty sure the G5 has at least a 1GHz FSB…

yeah msn works fine on apples. i used to talk to people all the time on them when i was at uni.


nope the new imac is a G5 but remeber its very compact. They had to keep the heat down. so it will be noticably slower than the orginakl G5. ALSO the FSB is 600mhz not 1gig for the new Imac.

If anyone knows about the new Imac G5 i’m interested in how it compares to other computers.

can someone do a benchmark?