I am fairly new to Photoshop 7, and I am trying to create a template for a Flash website I plan to do. I have some ideas, but dont know how to put them together…
<b>Idea 1</b>- something fairly open with a clean, 3D type feel to it, with some light blues, whites, and maybe some baige.
<b>Idea 2</b>- a more closed in design, like a curved box that has a liquid like design.
I have done over 30 tutorials in the last couple of days, but I am not sure how to get these effects in just photoshop, or if i even can. any suggestions are welcome.
I wouldnt recommend the 3d type feel ONLY in photoshop except if you do pixel art, try to make cubes / shapes out of a 3d proggie with an alpha layer, and then import them to PS…
I dont get the second idea but it sounds cool :beam:
do you know how you wouldn design those sites on paper? if you have an idea of how you want it to look, it’s much easier to break down into sections, and it also means that other ppl can help more.
i think the first one sounds easier to do, because it’s basically just combining colours and basic shapes (except maybe the 3d one… it’s hard to do 3d in photoshop)
for me, liquid - stuff is hard, so i’d probably avoid that one especially to begin with.
A good option is to use Adobe Illustrator as it produces vector graphics that keep file sizes down and can easily be exported to Flash. If you use an Illustrator plugin like KPT Vector Effects you can produce some very effective 3D graphics.
There are also other Illustrator plugins like FilterIt that help you create awesome swirls and patterns. Combine these with a few gradients and transparencies and I think you can get a fairly convincing liquid effect (or an interesting composition at least!). Good luck!
It is really hard to pull of the 3d look in photoshop without looking all cheesy and weak…But I wish you the best. I would use a vector program for the initial design phase…easier to move and resize elements. Look into illustrator, freehand and my favorite fireworks (the commands for fireworks are awesome and a giant time saver)