I’m working on the 'Preloader and Transition for Dynamic Files ! It’s just the thing I’m looking for ! Now I first did the tutorial with the partial source given. Figured it out a bit !
i am using the same transitions and preloader and one of the .swf files that i am using has a functional menu but then i published the file , all the functions in the swf file isnt working. why that? the swf file works fine alone, but then it is input into the transition, it doenst work.
i think the qn that i am really concern about is loading external movie clips. why is the movieclip works well as an independent .swf file but when the codes in transition calls it, the movie clip cant play!!!argh!!!
there is nothing to stop it from working. do i have to add a _root or _parent??
yeah i suggest you try using _root if that doesn’t work try _parent there is another post that newhopekenny is helping us understand what is the correct pathing issue do a search