Question about sliding menu tutorial

hi everyone,

i made the sliding menu on the tutorial found here:

you can see it here if you want: it’s the second item under “latest additions”


now i’m trying to make one that slides up and down, and i can’t get the coding to make it work right. i have seven buttons this time instead of 5, and i’ve changed all the “x’s” in the actionscript to “y’s”

this is the code, maybe someone can tell me what i’m doing wrong?

easeSpeed = 5;
//slider_mc is your Movie Clip’s name, not the Instance Name.
slider_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._y += (yMove1-this._y)/easeSpeed;
button_1.onPress = function() {
yMove = button_1._y;
button_2.onPress = function() {
yMove = button_2._y;
button_3.onPress = function() {
yMove = button_3._y;
button_4.onPress = function() {
yMove = button_4._y;
button_5.onPress = function() {
yMove = button_5._y;
button_6.onPress = function() {
yMove = button_6._y;
button_7.onPress = function() {
yMove = button_7._y;