Question for Electrongeek

I love your site - it’s really good. I love the way the interface comes together… and the backgrounds (cinema 4d presumably?). I have a question…

When u load a picture u have this really cool effect where hexagons build the picture - was that just tweens or was it AS? I am dying of curiosity…

Oh and another question
Cinema 4d … how is that different to 3d max? I mean is it just a 3d program like max or is it … more (for lack of a better word)?


D. :beam:

Demonia, thanks for the kind words, I’m glad you like it. As for the hexagon effect, they’re basically a series of movieclips placed so that it covers the image. Once they’re activated with an action, they play that blinking effect. I also have a script that makes them fade as well so it’s nothing too fancy.

As for Cinema 4D, it’s just another 3D program like 3dsmax, but not as popular. I’ve never used 3Dsmax before so I don’t really know what the differences are.

I hope that answers your questions. =)

Thanks a lot, it does, now I can finally sleep properly - not having to wonder how u did it :beam:

D :beam:

haha :stuck_out_tongue:

YAY!!! Now I can… finally… go to… sleep as well…

Anyone ever use lightwave…? Or can you not? I wish there was a 3D part for the tutorials, I’ve always wondered how they go 3d with flash. I mean, can you import a 3D building you’ve created in a program then put it in flash and flash actually lets u camera it as if 3d…?
Man, what the, the hell…o am I talking about? i’m jibbering. Could you maybe post some l inks or describe how importing on that stuff is done?

hmm… 3d max and cinema 4d seem to good since electron and make kick *** stuff with cinema 4d but is the program adobe dimensions 3.0…kinda the same as 3d max and cinema 4d??

Spirit-Z3RO, to import the building you made into flash you would have to render it out as an image. Also some newer versions of 3D programs now have swf export features. I know Cinema R8 has a that, I’m not sure about 3dsmax though.

NewbiEFlasheR, I’ve never tried dimensions before so I have no idea if they’re like the other 3D programs.

:nerd: I’ve worked briefly with 3ds (3d studio), and used it in flash just to expirement.

You build the model in 3ds (of course), but you also do the 3d animation in there as well. Then I saved 3d animation as .avi, and later imported that (the .avi) into flash.

So, no, you cannot create cameras in flash itself that will be able to travel around a 3d object you made in a third party prog like 3ds.

pretty sure bussley’s site used 3ds as well.

Thx anyways electrongeek.