What programs did you use to build oyur web because i dont know what programs to use for a web, graphics and and templates.
Ok Here’s my list:
Cinema 4d XL7- to make the backgrounds
Photoshop 7- to touch up the backgrounds from Cinema and to make simple graphics for my layout.
Flash MX - for you know what.
:edit: You don’t have to use what I use, any combination of programs will work. I just use those because those are the ones I’m use to. Experiment and see what works for you.
Hope that answers it =)
alright thx and you got one nice web going on. I’m maggot who posted on your web.
Np, thanks maggot =)
oh yeah one question know a web where i can find programs i can use i pretty new to this stuff.
You can go to adobe.com and macromedia.com and download their software for free to try out. They’re only trial versions though, but they’ll give you an idea of how they work and if you like them then you can buy them. =)
Well i got adobe photoshop 5.5 and macromedia flash mx. i was just wondering if there were anymore good programs, i don’t want to copy you or anything so i just want to see some reviews or something for programs for building a website.
ok here’s a list of other great programs, some ive used and some I havent, but I heard great things about them.
Adobe Illustrator - great for line art and logo design. Stuff from this program works well with flash since it’s vector based.
Macromedia Fireworks - I’ve never used this, but I heard its great, from what I’ve heard, its both a vector program and raster so its like getting a combination of Illustrator and photoshop all in one.
Macromedia Dreamweaver - If you’re not familiar with html then this program writes it for you, you basically drag and drop stuff to make page layouts.
It all depends on what you’re planning on doing, I don’t have all the programs and I try not to get new ones, its better to be efficient in 1-4 programs than try to learn all of them out there.
Oh ok that makes it seem easier and less to think about all those programs and what to get. yeah i got fireworks and dreamweaver, im still confused about it alittle so i dont really use em.
Well thx for all the help and i hope this info well make me get better.
hey electrongeek …
what formats can you export from Cinema 4D ??
hey electrongeek …
what formats can you export from Cinema 4D ??
Well I have version XL7 and the only formats I’m aware of is:
for static theres - tiff, jpg, bmp, pict, iff, targa, rla, rpf
for multimedia theres - avi and quicktime VR
You can even save stuff as psd too so you can open it up in photoshop.
I think the new version of Cinema will be capable of saving it out as swf for flash, not sure tough.
thanxs electrongeek
I’ll give it a try …
np =)
i was wondering if 3d max studio does the same thing as cinema 4d…cinema 4d basically just allows you to amke things 3d and animates them a bit and stuff right?
*Originally posted by blah-de-blah *
**i was wondering if 3d max studio does the same thing as cinema 4d…cinema 4d basically just allows you to amke things 3d and animates them a bit and stuff right? **
Cinema 4d is basically the same as 3d studio max, both are used for 3d animation and the likes. I’ve never used 3d studio max so I wouldnt know about any differences, but 3d studio max is more popular than cinema 4d.