good day to you all in this great forum
my name is james and i want to see if i can find help here in the forum for my problem.
I’m building a site for my friend. (the site is in hebrew so sorry…)
for the site building I’m using the software iweb - on mac.
the site is almost complete but i have 1 big problem.
this is the link to the site - skip-up
I’m using a head menu in flash
i have this flash from some template i downloaded from the internet and all i had to do is change the buttons names and to change the links of the buttons to point to my html pages.
and now to the problem :
to get to the problem in general - the flash head links don’t work
if i press it in the site on godaddy nothing happens i just don’t see the flash head and instead i dee a page that says something like “the page can not be found”
if i go to my desktop to mt site directory and press the links the only thing that happened is that the button is changing the color like I’m in the right page but I’m still in the original page.
you can see the structure of the site here in this page :
what i have is the master index.html and 2 directories : - the first one
called flash and have 1 flash file (this file is o.k with no problem)
and the other directory had all my site files -
like i said i got the original FLA file and all i did is changing the buttons
names and changing the links of the buttons
the links i changed in the actions menu - i just searched for the original
url and change the names to much my website html pages names -
here is the original FLA actions menu - you can see that I’m standing on
one of the links :
and here is my fla after the changes - as you can see i just changed the
i uploaded all my site (it’s small zip file) if someone wants to see more
i tried to describe everything in details because it’s very important for
me to find a solution skip-up site download
I’m really hopping there’s somebody that will be kind to help me out
thank you very much