So I’ve been having this concern for a while now that I’ve wanted to report to the moderators, but just never got around to doing, but now that I’m a mod I need to ask your advice.
I don’t know if any of you have really noticed but thesparkey tends to post random… well crap… for lack of a better term… in just about every thread. Ever. He seems to think that he needs to contribute to threads to be a part of the community, despite having extremely limited knowledge in the areas that the thread pertains to. I can dig up examples if you’d like, but I’m sure at least a few of you are somewhat aware of this. A lot of the time he just embarasses himself with the information he posts when trying to help. I have no doubt (well a little I guess) that his intentions are fine and all, he’s just going about contributing all wrong.
I’m wondering if maybe he should be issued a warning, saying that he needs to keep his commentary to himself for the most part, as he generally does not contribute anything but a headache to threads that people are trying to get help from. Especially new members coming to the forums that don’t know the regulars and all, they might view his post count and assume he knows what he’s talking about and then they may be misguided until someone realizes what he’s done and helps out. Not trying to make him sound like an idiot or anything, I’ve just noticed this a bit.
Just a thought really, curious as to what you all think. I don’t know if I’d be comfortable taking any action in this, as I’m guessing it’ll be a while before I’m viewed as someone with any kind of authority, and I don’t wanna start off my modship by busting someones balls. What do you guys think?
wheeewww… sorry for the long post! :hangover: