Question (Please Help)

I’ve gone over the tutorial “Preloader and Transition for Dynamic Files” but I don’t see how I can apply what I’m trying to do. I’ll try to explain what I’m trying to do.

After the movie loads four content boxes appears a rectangluar one that spans across the stage, with three smaller ones that span below that reveal shortcuts to different sections. There are the main navigation buttons but the shortcuts reveal ways to go straight to a certain image, trailer, or whatever. When a user clicks on let’s say the main navigation button “trailer” I want the three smaller content boxes to span out and new shortcuts to span in (to avoid having a shortcut to a section that you’re currently viewing". What’s the easiest way about going and doing this? I know this will get views if you’re not understanding my question please so, just say so, so I can try again. I really need thing. Thanks!

I dont quite get what you want… :-\

Nevermind I think I figured out, one question…what’s the actionscript to load a movieclip when a button is clicked? Thanks!

The code isnt in the button, Is in the transition mc.


When you click a button, its value is passed to a variable telling which external to load. Then on the transition mc i call a loadMovie aciton to load that variable.

I apprecite your help but you are talking to me like I’m advanced I’m a beginner :). It would be a lot easier if you pointed me to the actionscript then I could understand, thanks. And where the Actionscript should be placed.

Open the transition mc and there will be a few action there, including a loadMovie action.

You lost me man, but I’ll try and figure it out. I appreciate the help though.