Questions about exporting quicktimes and avi's in flash

ok, so here goes,

i’ve got this animation i’m working on :

an in it, i have a background animation of speedlines that i blurred using the movieclip blur filter. now when i export it out as an avi, the movieclip doesnt sequence, it just plays the first frame. is this just a weird thing flash does with avi’s? when i dump it out to quicktime, the blur sequence plays correctly but the quicktime itself seems to be really laggy and choppy for some reason. i’ve tried numerous compressions and none of them seem to play back really nicely. does anyone have any advice on how to handle this problem? i suppose i could go into photoshop and blur each frame individually, but thats going to get time consuming over the length of the project.

That looks great. :thumb:

I would go Flash --> .MOV --> FLV.

ok, i don’t know much about flv files. i’m guessing i export the quicktime to Flv but then what do i do with the flv? how do i allow others to view it?

well for those of you interested, i finally figured out the optimum process. for those animators out there:

export sequential pngs from flash > import sequence into quicktime pro or any other editing suite> dump out to quicktime

looks perfect