i made a movie using after effects and i use the sorenson movie compressor for the setting.the problem is when i import the movie into flash,it appears to be (very)low in quality.how can i preserve the quality of the movie in flash and keep the file size small?
Search the forums please. I can clearly remember at least two different please about importing video to flash.
And you can’t expect good quality for low file size.
what version of flash are you using? Flash MX 2004 handles video much better than Flash MX and i sugest you get the flash video exporter it has the best compression IMHO good luck
So could i get a 2 second (27 MB ><) after effects avi and somehow compress it in the new flash MX 2004?
if you have the flash video exporter yeah you could probably turn that 27mb file into 8 or 2mb file, downside is the flash video exporter only comes with the pro version of MX 2k4
If the movie doesn’t have sound you can export it as an image sequence and have great quality.
but i exported my ae movie in mov format using sorenson compressor.i’m currently using MX2004 pro.i have the video exporter but i don’t know the anything on how to use it.
i faced this problem before… the best thing i did is make it image sequence you’ll get a very good quilty… but i think grimdeath is right so try his way and let us know what is better ?
The probelm with image sequences is that if the resolution is pretty high the computer will experience playback slowdown trust me i had a 400+ image sequence at 800x600 and it would render my system unusable, so it really depends on how big in pixels the sequence is.
As for using the flash video exporter install it and im not sure if it works with any quicktime version, if not you need quicktime pro and open the avi or mov file from quicktime then export it as a flv from quicktime. Trust me this is the best way to get the animation working that will be less processor intensive for the computer.
Good luck
yes Im having a similar problem, I export an image sequence from swift 3d to flash MX (169 pics) and the computer slowdown as hell! unusable
yup its only good if your movie is very small otherwise you will run into problems :-/
grimdeath i’m sure you are right but i didn’t know this option before so i did it with a avi and it was very big i couldn’t import it in flash MX … :upset:
so can you please give me the full instraction to make it flv file… and how can i get flash vedio exporter… is it an option when i installing fkash 2004… :h:
i don’t know, so can you put me in the right way
Check your email i gave you instructions there good luck and keep me posted if you run into more problems
Check your email i gave you instructions there good luck and keep me posted if you run into more problems
Swift is vector, so couldn’t you get nice quality without an image sequence?
Yea, don’t use avi
Vector and raster look a lot different.
Install free Macromedia Flash Video Exporter and directly from AE you can export your movie to FLV format. Now you can play your nice quality movie directly if flash.
i did all this instruction, but the quilty is too bad and there is a cross line in page… i think it’s a free product :h:. so what is wrong :h:
post your results. You may have to use sorensen squeeze…but post the movie.