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I am using swift 3D and am having trouble achieving my goal. I want on of my objects to go through 2 regular spins while the other object goes through a different regular spin. I have no problem ungrouping them or assingning the original spins. I then moved the keyframes to half of what they were defaulted to in my object that I want to go twice around. But now I cant copy the keyfames or add another spin onto the end. does anyone even know what I’m talking about let alone how to solve my problem? Thanks

[email protected]

Hello Mike,
I was about to launch Swift 3D and try what you were having problems with, but I found another solution that might work better. The best thing I would recommend that you try would be to use Flash for all the modification of the keyframes, etc.

I always use a separate Movie instance in Flash to import all my Swift 3D animations. Also, for the sake of file size, I only work on one Swift 3D animation at once. I then import that animation and any other animations to Flash itself. Within Flash, you can customize how many times you wish for the animation to loop, crop out extraneous frames, etc.

Try that method. Use Swift 3D for the initial 3D rendering and animation. Use Flash for the keyframe modifications, etc. Swift 3D has a very clunky keyframe interface, and it is not very user friendly.

I hope that helped. If you have any further questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reply back.

Kirupa Chinnathambi

yeah mike ,

  you should use Swift 3D for the initial 3D rendering and animation . its also good to import that animation and any other animations to Flash itself.  oh yeah and also you can customize how many times you wish for the animation to loop.

hope this cleared some of the confusion.

peace ,
justen everage