Quick dynamic text resize

I need help bad. I need to to make some sort of dynamic text(based off of .txt)w/ a bg, that enlarges on rollover, but shrinks the non rollover text boxes…(as in a colum of maybe 5 stores, your rollover one, it enlarges, the others shrink)…

some body lead me in the right direction PLEASE.


see this tutorial

now instead of dat flash logo add/load ur dynamic text in dat movieclip


=Thanks for answering back so quick. I just glanced at that and it looks like just the thing i wass lookin for. I’ll try it out and let you know how it works out.

This is actually a pretty nice tutorial, but leaves me still needing more. I was imagining something more along the lines of maybe 4 boxes of text in 1 larger box. You rollover one of the text boxes and it grows within that large box while the others shrink to allow it to fit…Anyhelp from anybody, i desperatley need this