So I have a question that (hopefully) somebody can answer quickly.
I’m making a component and I’ve found that a parameter that I make inspectable is not getting initialized early enough. Basically, I know I’m doing something wrong in the way I declare/use the variable, but I don’t know what. Perhaps my entire class structure is off.
Here’s the basic structure of the class:
import fl.core.UIComponent;
//More import statements...
public class Param extends UIComponent
//I don't want to initialize this, I'm doing it as an example. I want this value to be set by the user in the parameter inspector-thingie
protected var _paramSource:String = "pictureIDontWant.jpg";
//Other variables...
public function get paramSource():String
return _paramSource;
public function set paramSource(param:String):void
_paramSource = param;
public function Param():void
override protected function configUI():void
var paramLoader:UILoader = new UILoader();
trace(_paramSource); //Outputs: pictureIDontWant.jpg
var paramURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(_paramSource);
paramLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadedHandler);
paramLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler);
private function errorHandler(e:Event)
//Does stuff
private function loadedHandler(e:Event)
//Calls a function to get to the other stuff
trace(_paramSource); //Outputs: the user input from the component inspector
As you can see, the parameter picks up on the user’s input for the parameter, but too late (after the wrong picture is loaded). Is there any way I can get that variable initialized before I load it’s value via paramLoader?
Any help is hugely appreciated.