Hey all, what i need is this:
I need a news section for my website, a small window, it will have some text with news, generated from a text file, and fade into a different piece of news every 10 seconds. All the text will be generated from a .txt file.
Heres the ahrd bit (i think) i dont know how many news paragraphs there will be, one paragraph, then fades into another etc. But i dont know how many there will be, so is there some way that from the text file, if i have 5 pieces of news, it shows the 5 pieces in turn then loops back to the first. But by an edit of the amount of paragraphs in the text file, say there is now 3 paragrpahs needed, there is three paragrpahs shown in turn, then loops. Without the editting of the .fla.
Is this possible, does anyone even understand?