ok… i spose the problem is that you didnt quite understand “gotoAndPlay”.
look. it says gotoAndPlay(-Scenename-,-Framename-);
but -Framename- isnt the number of the frame… it is the name… you must give to it before accessing it…
you can only name keyframes … so make frame 2 a keyframe (F6)… then in the “Properties” panel there is an input box with “<<Instance name>>” in it… change it to e.g. “frame2” or whatever you want… then you can do
ah. and by the way… when the frame you want to access is already in the scene from which you are calling… its enough to do
and ActionScript is case sensitive. so be carful that you write all the commands correctly…
hope this helped…
(maybe i misunderstood the problem… if yes just give a call)