Radio Tv Tuner for PC

Anyone have one of these?

I did a few searches on the net couldn’t find what I seen at the computer store by my house.

Basically it let’s you tune into radio and tv from your pc. It’s really cheap, only like $45.

Not sure if it’s good or not, anyone have experience with this?

You’re better off getting a separate radio because if the card is in your computer, interference I hear is a major problem. Go with an individual TV card then a small radio.

It’s connected by USB, so the guy said interference wouldn’t be a problem. i dunno if I’m going to get it yet, I mean its only $45, how bad could it be right? Well i shouldn’t say that :lol:

Far as I’ve heard you get pretty much what you pay for, so for $45 don’t expect much beyond basic functionality. My tv card was cheap and it works well enough but the s/ware it comes with is buggy to say the least

what’s it called?

edit: something like this looks cool

Not on the same topic… well sorta… but… does anybody know what you would call a front USB / Speaker and microphone inputs would be called? I’ve heard they fit into your 3.5 bay… but I have no idea what they are called :S

Wow, that looks like a great deal for what you’re paying. Definitely check out reviews before you buy it though.

Oh man, I found such a cool one yesterday.

It let’s me hook up my Direct TV to my PC :love:

I want to start getting into video so i think this will at least get me into the basics. I don’t have a link, I found it in best buy.

It’s $100 bucks, but you can rip mpeg’s at 1024x768 resolution. Me likes, me likes, I’m probably going to buy it today, I have 60 days to return it if I don’t like it.

1024x768, dreamy.

dude i got it!!

omg this is soo slick dude

mad cheap too, like $60 after rebate.

i got it hooked up to my direct tv, and i just recorded Derek Jeter’s homerun :thumb:

screw you fester!!@ (j/k)

edit: this one’s resolution is smaller, 720x480, but still good enough for the price :slight_smile:

Sweet ! I wish I could use on o’ thems too … kinda hard to pull another cable to the other side of the house though :lol:

Yeah, that’s the main restriction. I’m in the former guest room because it’s the only room that has the cable line besides the master bedroom. This room is really hot in the summer and freezing in the winter, but it’s worthit.